The ammeter_logger library is intended to work in conjunction with the Micropython adc_amperage application running on a microcontroller. The ammeter_logger allows for logging of the ammeter data and remote initialization of the microcontroller. Related LearningToPi Posts Git: PyPi: Micropython adc_amperage project ammeter_logger – Install from PyPi Usage Example – CLI One use case…
Search Results for: ammeter_logger
Python ADC Current Logger (ammeter_logger)
Overview Latest code is available on GitHub, view the other articles in our load testing series This project is part 2 of 2 to capture current data for our load testing. An ESP32 microcontroller will be used as a sender, and this project will cover the SBC device setup to receive. The device will be…
Python bmx280_spi
The bmx280_spi python3 library uses SPI to communicate with a BME280 or BMP280 (BMx280) sensor. After testing a few different SPI modules that I wasn’t able to get working I decided to write a new module to configure and query the sensor. This python class will query the sensor for the model (currently supports BME280…
Python dht11_spi
dht11_spi python3 driver that uses the SPI to receive binary data from the temp/humidity sensor. This driver uses a GPIO pin attached to a NPN transistor to send the low signal required to start the communication. General GPIO Pin (NOT an SPI CS) used to pull the signal pin low. The DHT11/DHT22 will then send…
Modules and Applications
Below is a list of the Python modules and applications created by or team at LearningToPi. Each of the modules are available on both Git and PyPi. Please feel free to check out our current and upcoming projects! Python logging_handler – This module is a quick and easy way to use the built in Python…